
Ongoing Research Projects

Development of autonomous warehouse multi-robotic system (Ro-PATH)
(Depolar İçin Çoklu Robot Sistemi Geliştirilmesi)

Funding Source: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) – 2591 Bileteral Cooperation Program with University-Industry and Belarus Innovation Fund (BIF)
Project ID: 220N341 (Primary project: 120N677)
Role: PI
Duration: Feb. 2021-Dec. 2022
Project Budget: 6 792 USD [₺49 000; Consortium Budget: 47 812 USD (₺344 891)]

Robotic Squid for Underwater Manipulation and Intervention
(Sualtında Manipülasyon İçin İnsansız Robot Mürekkepbalığı Geliştirilmesi ve Tasarımı)

Funding Source: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) – 1003 Primary Subjects R&D Funding Program
Project ID: 216M201
Role: PI and Project Coordinator
Duration: Jan. 2019-Jan. 2023
Project Budget: 385 656 USD [₺1 990 487; Consortium Budget: 596 107 USD (₺3 076 690)]
More info can be found on the project website.

Development of Autonomous Transport Vehicles and Human-Machine / Machine-Machine Interfaces for Smart Factories
(Akıllı Fabrikalar İçin Otonom Taşıyıcılar ve Gerekli İnsan-Makine ve Makine-Makine Arayüzlerinin Geliştirilmesi)

Funding Source: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) – 1003 Primary Subjects R&D Funding Program
Project ID: 116E853 (Main Project: 116E731)
Role: Researcher [Project PI: Dr. Yongki Yoon, Bahçeşehir University, Consortium Leader: Dr. Ahmet Yazıcı (Eskişehir Osmangazi University)]
Duration: Oct. 2017-Aug. 2020
Project Budget: 143 482 USD [₺495 187; Consortium Budget: 705 942 USD (₺2 436 347)]

Completed Research Projects

Submarine Self Noise Prediction, Monitoring / Warning System Prototype Development
(Denizaltılarda Öz Akustik Kestirimi ve Akustik İzleme / Uyarı Sistemi Prototip Geliştirilmesi)

Funding Source: İTÜNOVA TTO
Project ID: –
Role: Consultant
Duration: 2016-2018
Budget: 931 500 Euro (₺3 771 734)

Design and Development of a Robotic Forceps with Force Feedback Capability for Minimal Invasive Surgery
(Minimal Invazif Cerrahi için Kuvvet Geri Beslemeli Robotik Forseps Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi)

Funding Source: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) – 1003 Primary Subjects R&D Funding Program
Project ID: 115E712
Role: Researcher (Project PI: Dr. Uğur Tümerdem, Marmara University)
Duration: Apr. 2016-Mar. 2018
Budget: ₺670 000

Time Reversal Based Photoacoustic Medical Imaging
(Zaman Geri Çevrimi Yöntemi ile Foto Akustik Tıbbi Görüntüleme)

Funding Source: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) – 3501 National Young Researchers Career Development Program
Project ID: 113E186
Project Website:
Role: PI
Duration: Oct. 2013-Jul. 2017
Budget: ₺273 119

High Resolution and Robust Time Reversal Acoustics using Vector Sensor Arrays (VecTRA)

Funding Source: European Commission FP7 Marie Curie Reintegration Grants (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-RG)
Project ID: PIRG06-GA-2009-256585
Project Website: 
Role: PI
Duration: Aug. 2010- Aug. 2015
Budget: 100 000 Euro

Whole Body Control of Underactuated Underwater Robots

Funding Source: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) – 2229 International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Programme
Project ID: 1059B191400721
Role: PI
Duration: Aug. 2014- Feb. 2015
Budget: 17 000 USD

Optimization of Ventriculoarterial Coupling System Efficiency with a Mechanical Assist Device
(Mekanik Dolaşım Desteği İle Sol ventrikül-Atardamar Bağlaşık Sistem Veriminin İyileştirilmesi)

Funding Source: The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
Project ID: 111M243
Role: Researcher
Duration: Oct. 2011- Oct. 2013
Budget: ₺260 000

4D Modeling of the Human Heart and Hemodynamic Mapping
(Kalbin Dört Boyutlu Modeli ve Hemodinamik Haritalanması)

Funding Source: Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Project ID: 00706.STZ.2010-2
Role: Researcher
Duration: Dec. 2010- Dec. 2012
Budget: ₺325 000